Linolenic acid (LN) in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) seed mainly contributes to the undesirable odors and flavors commonly associated with poor oil quality. LN deposition at various stages of soybean seed development had not been reported by 2010. The objects of this study were (1) to identify and measure quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying LN content and (2) to estimate the QTL effects expressed from earlier seed developmental stages to drying seed of soybean. One hundred and twenty-five F(5:8) and F(5:9) recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of soybean cultivars 'Hefeng 25' and 'Dongnong L5' were used for the identification of QTL underlying LN content from the 37 day (D) to 86D stages after flowering, at Harbin in 2008 and 2009. QTL × Environment interactions (QE) effects were evaluated using a mixed genetic model (Zhu in J Zhejiang Univ (Natural Science) 33:327-335, 1999). Twelve unconditional QTL and 12 conditional QTL associated with LN content were identified at different developmental stages. Most of the QTL explained <10% of phenotypic variation of LN content. Unconditional QTL QLNF-1, QLNC2-1, QLND1b-1, QLNA2-1 and QLNH-1 influenced LN content across different development stages and environments. Conditional QTL QLNF-1, QLNC2-1 and QLNH-1 were identified in multiple developmental stages and environments. Conditional and unconditional QTL clustered in neighboring intervals on linkage groups A2, C2 and D1b. Ten QTL with conditional additive main effects (a) and/or conditional additive × environment interaction effects (ae) at specific developmental stage were identified on nine linkage groups. Of them, six QTL only possessed additive main effects and seven QTL had significant ae effects in different developmental stages. A total of 13 epistatic pairwise QTL were identified by conditional mapping in different developmental stages. Two pairs of QTL only showed aa effects and five pairs of QTL only showed aae effects at different developmental stages. QTL with aa effects, as well as their environmental interaction effects, appeared to vary at different developmental stages.