Heart myosin isoforms and arterial blood pressure changes were studied in 30 SHR rats following a long-term treatment with captopril. 30 Wistar rats were included in the same trial as control. Twelve week old SHR rats with an already established hypertension and ventricular hypertrophy were orally administered with between 25 and 100 mg/Kg/die of captopril. After a ten-week treatment, animals were sacrificed and heart myosin isoforms (V1, V2, V3) analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results showed that captopril can: a) reduce blood pressure; b) reduce the cardiac hypertrophy; c) reverse the isomyosin enzymes (V1 V3) previously altered by the hypertrophy condition (V3 V1) to normal value. Furthermore we have detected an increase of V myosin isoform in SHR rats (35%) and to a lower extent in treated Wistar rats (17%). Since SHR and Wistar rats usually do not express V isoform, our results suggest that captopril may be responsible for this phenomenon by acting directly on myocardial cells.