Background: The anatomical spatial distribution of microencapsulated islets transplanted into the peritoneal cavity of large animals remains a relatively unexplored area of study. In this study, we developed a new implantation approach using laparoscopy in order to avoid microcapsule amalgamation. This approach constitutes a clinically relevant method, which can be used to evaluate the distribution and in vivo biocompatibility of various types of transplanted microcapsules in the future.
Materials and methods: Two healthy baboons were implanted intraperitoneally with microencapsulated islets through mini-laparotomy and observed at 76 d after implantation. Nine baboons underwent laparoscopic implantation of approximately 80,000 empty microcapsules. Microcapsule distribution was observed by laparoscopic camera during and after implantation at 1, 2, and 4 wk. At each time point, microcapsules were retrieved and evaluated with brightfield microscopy and histologic analysis.
Results: Mini-laparotomic implantation resulted in microcapusle aggregation in both baboons. In contrast, laparoscopic implantation resulted in even distribution of microcapsules throughout the peritoneum without sedimentation to the Douglas space in all animals. In eight out of nine animals, retrieved microcapsules were evenly distributed in the peritoneal cavity and presented with no pericapsular overgrowth and easily washed out during laparoscopic procedure. The one exception was attributed to microcapsule contamination with blood from the abdominal wall following trocar insertion.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic implantation of microcapsules in non-human primates can be successfully performed and prevents microcapsule aggregation. Given the current widespread clinical application of laparoscopy, we propose that this presented laparoscopy technique could be applied in future clinical trials of microencapsulated islet transplantation.
Published by Elsevier Inc.