Saturation of gyrokinetic turbulence through damped eigenmodes

Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Mar 18;106(11):115003. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.115003. Epub 2011 Mar 16.


In the context of toroidal gyrokinetic simulations, it is shown that a hierarchy of damped modes is excited in the nonlinear turbulent state. These modes exist at the same spatial scales as the unstable eigenmodes that drive the turbulence. The larger amplitude subdominant modes are weakly damped and exhibit smooth, large-scale structure in velocity space and in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. Modes with increasingly fine-scale structure are excited to decreasing amplitudes. In aggregate, damped modes define a potent energy sink. This leads to an overlap of the spatial scales of energy injection and peak dissipation, a feature that is in contrast with more traditional turbulent systems.