Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a nurse-led class with phone follow-up, to help patients achieve lifestyle changes after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Methods: Each patient < or = 75 years, admitted to a intensive cardiac care unit (ICCU) for ACS from September 2003 to December 2004, who attended the education class (case) was matched with two patients paired for age, sex and admission time, admitted for ACS to ICCUs in the other hospitals in the same area (controls). One year later the two groups were blindly interviewed on the phone, using a structured questionnaire about their lifestyles.
Results: One-hundred-nineteen cases and 238 controls were phoned and 84% cases and 61% controls completed the interview. Cases reported a more correct lifestyle: they ate > or = 4 portions/day of fruit or vegetables (55% vs. 36%, p = 0.003) and > or = 2 portions/week of fish (48% vs. 32%, p = 0.010), reported > or = 30 min/day of physical activity (67% vs. 59%, p = 0.262) and stopped smoking (82% vs. 71% of previous smokers, p = 0.264).
Conclusion: An educational intervention led by cardiology nurses, with a group meeting and personal phone follow-up, improved lifestyle habits one year after an ACS.