Cytogenetic analysis was done on 31 Wilms' tumors, including 2 renal tumors of clear cell sarcoma type, using short term cultures of primary tumors and/or nude mouse passages. Nonrandom secondary chromosome abnormalities, in particular, were noted as evidence of clonal evolution. Apparently normal karyotypes were found in 5 Wilms' tumors, all in patients less than or equal to 22 months old, and in one clear cell sarcoma. Abnormal karyotypes were seen in 25 tumors (80%); 6 were pseudodiploid, 3 were hypodiploid, and 16 (52%) were hyperdiploid, of which 8 had a modal number of 47-49 and 8 had a modal number of 50-55. Nonrandom structural abnormalities involved 1p/1q, 11p, 7p/7q, 16p/16q, 12q, and 17p/17q. Nonrandom numerical abnormalities included +6, +8, and +18. Trisomy 12 was the most common abnormality, structural or numerical, seen in 52% of tumors (81% of the hyperdiploid). In 2 tumors the +12 was the only apparent abnormality; in 1 other tumor an i(12q) was seen, suggesting that +12 may have special significance in the clonal progression of Wilms' tumor. Informative karyotypes of 68 Wilms' tumors from other reports were reviewed and compared to results in this series.