We observed 3 cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) among frozen CNS samples obtained at autopsy from 102 adult AIDS patients. In 2 patients, PML was associated with severe HIV encephalitis. In those 2 cases, the areas of extensive JC-induced demyelination were massively infiltrated by HIV infected macrophages/microglial cells with evidence for localized increase of HIV encephalitis in PML lesions. Using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, we demonstrated that each virus infects, in a latent or productive fashion, different CNS cell populations. Therefore, the extension of HIV encephalitis could not be related to an intracellular transactivation of 1 virus by the other. However, the results are consistent with dissemination of viral infection by the recruitment of HIV-infected macrophages to damaged areas of the brain. This phenomenon might be generalized to other pathogens that are frequently associated with HIV CNS infection. Early detection and treatment of opportunistic CNS lesions could be important to prevent extension of HIV encephalitis.