Celiac disease is an enteropathy due to gluten intake in genetically predisposed persons (HLA DQ2/DQ8). Celiac disease occurs in adults and children at rates approaching 1% of population in Europe and USA. Celiac disease is extremely various and anaemia, oral aphthous stomatis, amenorrhea or articular symptoms may be the only revealing symptoms. Diagnosis releases on evidence of histological villous atrophy in proximal small bowel and presence of specific serum antibodies. Treatment relies on eviction of gluten. Gluten free diet allows prevention of malignant complications such as small bowel adenocarcinoma and lymphoma and osteopenia. The main cause of resistance to gluten free diet is its bad observance. On the contrary, serious complications of celiac disease, such as clonal refractory celiac sprue and intestinal T-cell lymphoma need to be screen.
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