Traumatic manubriosternal dislocation: A new method of stabilization postreduction

J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2011 Apr;4(2):317-9. doi: 10.4103/0974-2700.82237.


Traumatic manubriosternal dislocation is a rare lesion. In the literature, only a few case reports of patients treated surgically are published. In this case, we report an unstable posterior dislocation of the manubriosternal joint in a 50-year-old women caused by direct trauma. An open reduction was performed, and the manubriosternal joint was fixed by two staples. We are the first to use this alternative technique. At the last follow-up, the result was very good without complication.

Keywords: Manubriosternal dislocation; staples; surgery.

Publication types

  • Case Reports