94 patients with refractory multiple myeloma were treated in a multicentre trial with combinations of cytotoxic drugs including anthracyclines. All were refractory to a 5-drug combination containing 3 alkylating agents, vincristine and methylprednisolone (MOCCA). With a combination of epirubicin and iphosphamide a 50% response was achieved in 9% of 22 patients. The response rate after schedule VAP (vincristine, doxorubicin and prednisolone) was 8% of 13 patients and that after schedule VAD (vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone) 20% of 59 patients. The previous chemotherapy had lasted for less than 12 months in 13 cases from among all these patients, and 5 of these (38%) responded. In contrast, there were only 10 responders (12%) among the 81 patients with longer previous chemotherapy.