Results obtained by the authors and a review of the literature have made them able to point out recent developments in cases of epithelial cancer of the ovary diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease. This is the most frequent finding when the diagnosis is made and it is most important in assessing the future prognosis to know how far on the disease has progressed. Cancer of the ovary has long been thought of as a peritoneal disease, but all the same 40% of metastases occur further away and the majority of these are in the pleura or the lung and more rarely in the brain; and all these have been observed. The degree of differentiation is another important element for prognosis. Deciding how differentiated tissue is, is relatively subjective. A scoring protocol is suggested to make the assessment more systematic. The grading can be varied according to the response to treatment. A great majority of authorities believe that reduction of the size of the tumour surgically should be the first procedure but how useful this is has never been proved because there has never been any controlled study. It is possible in most cases to reduce the size of the tumour greatly but often this may need removal of some of the intestines with acceptable morbidity. Chemotherapy with Cisplatin, Cyclophosphamide and in the hands of certain authors, Doxorubicine, has been shown to be helpful in 80% of cases and seems to be the most appropriate treatment.