Aim: To compare the difference of remote effects of acupuncture between metal needle and laser needle on facial blood perfusion (FBP).
Methods: Hand acupuncture and laser-needle acupuncture were randomly used on Hegu (LI4) in 20 healthy volunteers. FBP was observed by speckle contrast imager before, during, and after the acupunctures.
Results: For hand acupuncture there were gradual increases on the nose and left and right visor areas (p<0.05 or p<0.01) during the acupuncture and on an immediate increase (p<0.01) that remained constant during the acupuncture on the forehead area but no significant increase on mouth area. During laser-needle acupuncture, on the other hand, there was a tendency of increase on the nose, left visor, and right visor areas but these were non significant.
Conclusion: Hand acupuncture can influence FBP in remote places connected by meridians.
Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier B.V.