Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether the need for adhesiolysis during completion proctectomy (CP) with ileopouch anal anastomosis (IPAA) is influenced by the surgical approach of the initial emergency colectomy for ulcerative colitis and the hospital setting.
Methods: One hundred consecutive patients who underwent CP with IPAA in our center between January 1999 and April 2010 were included. Emergency colectomy had been performed laparoscopically in 30 of 52 patients at the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam and in 6 of 48 patients at referring hospitals. Case files of these patients were retrospectively reviewed.
Results: Significantly more extensive adhesiolysis was performed after open compared to laparoscopic colectomy (47 vs. 6%, P < 0.001). In univariate analysis, emergency colectomy at a referring hospital was also predictive for adhesiolysis (P = 0.003), but the open approach for the initial colectomy was the only independent predictive factor for the need for adhesiolysis (P < 0.001) in a multivariable ordinal logistic regression analysis. Operating time of CP was significantly longer when limited [18 (95% CI = 0-36) min] or extensive [55 (35-75) min] adhesiolysis had to be performed. The interval to CP was longer after open colectomy and after colectomy performed at a referring hospital. Significantly more incisional hernia corrections during CP were performed after open emergency colectomy (14 vs. 0%, P = 0.024). Overall morbidity and postoperative hospital stay of CP were not related to the surgical approach or the hospital setting of the emergency colectomy.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic as opposed to open emergency colectomy is associated with less adhesiolysis, fewer incisional hernias, and a shorter interval to completion proctectomy.