Introduction: Studies on early stages of schizophrenia imply the observation of stable markers of vulnerability. Among other research fields, these early and objective markers, or potential endophenotypes, can be described in event-related potential (ERP) paradigms.
Literature findings: The P300 component, elicited during the allocation of attentional resources, is the most studied ERP among people with schizophrenia. In this review, we first develop the notion of endophenotypes in schizophrenia, notably in terms of stability, heritability and specificity. We also give a short account of the P300 component, its typical description, the classical paradigms which elicit it, and several interpretations of its significance.
Discussion: After reviewing the main features of the schizophrenic alterations of P300 (their topography, amplitude and latency), we discuss the relevance of P300 when described as a potential schizophrenic endophenotype. In spite of an important number of studies, results remain controversial and incomplete. First, P300 in schizophrenia shows complex patterns of temporal evolution, and thus can be described as either a stable trait or a state marker. Second, its heritability is still discussed among high-risk participants with genetic, schizotypal or clinical vulnerability. Third, the issue of its specificity is the less studied criteria. In line with the debate of its specificity, only little is known about specific alterations of P300 among unipolar or bipolar disorders. In the discussion, we describe a few possible origins of such controversial results in both empirical and conceptual perspectives, and we provide several experimental propositions in order to develop a more systematic exploration of P300 alterations.
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