Bronchopulmonary sequestration is an unusual congenital malformation consisting of abnormal lung tissue that lacks normal communication with the tracheobronchial tree. The diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration is based on identifying this systemic arterial supply. We aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of multidetector computed tomography in demonstrating the feeding artery and draining veins. Between 2003 and 2008, 8 patients (6 males, 2 females) ranging in age from 5 to 49 years with a diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration were identified. All patients underwent evaluation with chest tomography (spiral or multi detector tomography) and digital subtraction angiography. Aberrant systemic arterial supply was demonstrated in all cases: from the descending thoracic aorta (n= 6); arcus aorta (n= 1), internal mammarial artery (n= 1), intercostal arteries (n= 2) and celiac axis (n= 1). Four patients underwent surgery which confirmed the angioarchitecture depicted on angiography. One patient underwent angiography with embolization using. Computed tomography especially multidetector computed tomography is a powerful noninvasive technique for the detection of pulmonary sequestration.