Aiming to better understand folliculogenesis, this study evaluated cell death and proliferation of ovarian cells, besides cathepsin-D expression in Prochilodus argenteus captured in two sites of the São Francisco River downstream from the Três Marias Dam, Brazil. In the site immediately following the Dam (S1), low levels of dissolved oxygen were registered in the rainy period. The water temperature was higher in the São Francisco River immediately after the confluence with the Abaeté River (S2), regardless of the period. In S1, the ovaries showed smaller oocytes, high caspase-3 enzymatic activity and apoptosis, lower cells in proliferation and GSI, as well as a lesser quantity of cathepsin-D when compared to females captured from S2. Regarding relative frequency of ovarian structures, in the dry period, only oogonia and perinucleolar oocytes were found in fish ovaries from both sites. On the other hand, in the rainy period, the relative frequency of oogonia and perinucleolar oocytes decreased and the vitellogenic oocytes increased in S2. Postovulatory follicles were observed only in S2, whereas atretic follicles occurred at a higher frequency in S1. Our results showed that apoptosis, cell proliferation and cathepsina-D evaluation can be used as biomarkers of environmental impact.
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