The availability of high quality, well-characterized antibodies for molecular and cellular neuroscience studies is important. However, not all available antibodies are rigorously evaluated, nor are limitations of particular antibodies often reported. We have examined a panel of currently available mGluR1 antibodies and have identified which ones are selective for use by western blots and immunocytochemistry. We have also specifically determined whether the antibodies cross-react to recognize mGluR5, by examining (1) tissue from both mGluR1 and mGluR5 knock-out mice and (2) primary cortical cultures, in which mGluR5 is widely expressed but mGluR1 is not. Together, these data provide a baseline characterization of antibodies that can and cannot be reliably used in these types of studies, and will hopefully facilitate and positively impact the research efforts of others studying mGluR1.
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