Background: Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and the urinary tract (CAKUT) are among the most frequent causes of antenatal consultation. In this retrospective study we evaluated the outcome of children for whom antenatal consultation was performed between 2006 and 2011 in one single pediatric nephrology center, with a particular focus on the outcome of children whose parents declined a therapeutic abortion.
Case-diagnosis/treatment: Thirty-four cases of isolated CAKUT were found. Of these, 19 terminations of pregnancies (TOP) were proposed, and ten TOP were refused for these patients. Among the ten infants whose parents refused an abortion, five died in the first month of life. Their median creatinine level at 3 days of life was 56 (range 25-316) μmol/L. For the five surviving patients, the median age at the time of analysis was 29 months, at which time all had a normal serum creatinine with a variable degree of proteinuria.Oligohydramnios was found in three of the patients who died. However, two of the five surviving patients also had oligohydramnios.
Conclusion: In ten patients for whom TOP was proposed for severe CAKUT and refused, five had normal serum creatinine at a median age of 29 months. No one predictive factor seems to have sufficient specificity to motivate a therapeutic abortion proposal, suggesting the need of long-term follow-up studies.