By the end of 1989 a serious lead intoxication of cattle occurred in the northern part of the Netherlands (provinces Groningen and Friesland). This intoxication appeared to be caused by contaminated feed. Over 300 farms were stricken, with about 15,500 animals (mostly dairy cattle). In a period of one to four weeks these animals consumed about 1,000 kg of lead. This resulted in lead levels in milk, livers, and kidneys above the regulatory safety limits. Thanks to the chelating therapy that was rapidly applied by the local veterinarians, only about 30 animals died of an acute lead intoxication. The cooperating governmental and private authorities took action to prevent exposure of consumers to lead-contaminated animal products. Based on careful estimations, predictions were made of the lead levels to be expected in animals products and the time needed for depletion of these levels. The appropriate animals were marked to ensure their identification, and the decline in time of the lead levels in milk and offals was conscientiously monitored. In the second week of 1990 the lead concentrations were decreased to levels well below the regulatory limits, and hence the marks were removed from the animals.