Background: Invasive multiple breast cancers with a single histological feature (MBCSH) are routinely assessed for biological parameters to indicate adjuvant treatments only in the largest invasive carcinomas. However, the heterogeneity of individual foci in multiple carcinomas has not been widely studied. We analyzed whether such biological features are differently expressed in different MBCSH foci.
Patient and methods: One hundred and thirteen invasive MBCSH were tested over a 5-year period. The expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PgR) receptors, Ki-67 proliferative index, expression of HER2 and tumor grading were prospectively determined in each tumor focus, and mismatches among foci were recorded.
Results: Mismatches in ER status were present in 5 (4.4%) cases and PgR in 18 (15.9%) cases. Mismatches in tumor grading were present in 21 cases (18.6%), proliferative index (Ki-67) in 17 (15%) cases and HER2 status in 11 (9.7%) cases.
Conclusions: In our experience, invasive MBCSH showed heterogeneity among foci. In our clinical practice, such assessment led to 14 (12.4%) patients receiving different adjuvant treatments compared with what would have been indicated if we had only taken into account the biologic status of the primary tumor.