The inferior parietal lobe (IPL) is a center of multisensory integration, and both functional and structural MRI studies have found evidence that pathology in this region may contribute to disrupted sensory perception in schizophrenia. To further define this pathology, we used postmortem samples from the left and right IPL, to compare the thickness and volume of the upper (I-III) and lower (IV-VI) cortical layers. The samples were divided into supramarginal and angular gyri, and neuron density and size were measured in the supramarginal gyrus. The laminar thickness and volume measurements did not demonstrate significant changes in schizophrenia, but did show that the angular gyrus was thinner than the supramarginal gyrus, due to a difference mainly in the lower layers. Measurements of cortical thickness, neuron size and neuron density all showed some evidence of previously reported normal hemispheric differences. These asymmetries were reduced in schizophrenia, but the small changes were at the threshold of detection, and are discussed in the context of the sensitivity of the methods applied.
Published by Elsevier B.V.