Fourteen children aged between 6 months and 7 years (mean age = 3.5 years) were treated by CO2 broncholaser in the ENT Department of Trousseau Hospital. Three groups of diagnostic indication were identified: 1. Granulomas treated after mucosal trauma (tracheotomy, foreign body). 2. Granulomas due to pulmonary and/or lymph node tuberculosis. 3. Adhesions and stenosis secondary to neonatal ventilation. The operative and anesthetic technique is described in detail, together with any possible adverse events. The CO2 broncholaser appears to be a technique of choice in this age group, in which the narrowness of the airways makes any endoscopic procedure difficult. The broncholaser allows the early treatment of obstructive tracheobronchial pathology with its risks of severe ventilatory sequelae.