Ultrasound pictures taken in 100 patients with histologically confirmed primary of metastatic neoplasms of the liver were analysed retrospectively. The most frequent were hyperechogenic foci (43%). Hypoechogenic foci were found in 33% of the patients whereas mixed changes in the liver scans (hyper- and hypoechogenic) in 22%. Thirty seven per cent of the hyperechogenic foci were attributable to metastatic process. Hypoechogenic disorders were most frequently due to the primary cancer of the liver (20%). Mixed lesions were mainly produced by the cancer of large intestine and liver (41% and 27%, respectively). Metastases into the liver produced all three types of ultrasound pictures. The obtained results confirm the opinion that ultrasound picture of metastatic liver tumours is not suitable for the diagnosis of the type and origin of the neoplasm.