Methods: The retrospective study included the total laparoscopic hysterectomy without uterus manipulator at big uterus >280 g (Group A), proceeding the same technique as known to show feasibility and safety of its technique, compared with a randomized patient group of a uterus weight below 280 g (Group B). Statistical measurement was proceeded in typical clinical parameters.
Results: No statistical differences in age, body mass index, further abdominal surgery, blood loss, and hospital stay were observed. Operating time was significantly different favouring the uterus below 280 g (111.74 min Group A/90.68 min Group B). No increase in intra- or postoperative complications in both groups was observed.
Conclusion: Total hysterectomy at big uterus (>280 g) is safe and feasible. Statistical analysis shows a significant shorter operating time only in one parameter (Group B). The technique of hysterectomy without uterus manipulator offers a surgical advancement also at vaginal stenosis, early staged cervix, or endometrial cancer and exhibits an opportunity for laparoscopic advancement in these cases too.