Background: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) represents approximately 15% of all pediatric non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). It has distinct clinical features, including frequent involvement of extranodal sites and rare localization to the central nervous system (CNS). Despite varying treatment approaches the outcome of patients with ALCL has not significantly improved during the last two decades.
Procedure: From October 1997 to beginning of 2000, newly diagnosed ALCL patients were enrolled into AIEOP LNH-97 protocol for ALCL. Thereafter and until 2007, only CNS positive patients were included. AIEOP LNH-97 was based on the BFM-95 schema for ALCL and included six high-dose chemotherapy courses. CNS prophylaxis was obtained with one intrathecal injection of chemotherapy in each course, whereas treatment of CNS involvement included three intrathecal injections without irradiation.
Results: Thirty-two patients were eligible for the study. Lymph-node disease was the most frequent localization (69% of the cases), followed by mediastinal (25%), CNS (22%), bone marrow (16%), and skin (13%) involvement. Probabilities of overall survival (OS) and of event-free survival (EFS) at 5 years for the whole population were 87% (SE 6%) and 68% (SE 8%), respectively.
Conclusions: This study confirmed that short pulse chemotherapy is an efficacious treatment option for first line therapy of pediatric ALCL, and that dose intensity may have some relevance for outcome, but not in all of the patients. Refinement and optimization of therapy strategies for ALCL may originate from a combination of clinical and biological prospective studies, as those in the pipeline of current international collaboration.
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