Endosomes and autophagosomes are two vesicular compartments involved in the degradation and recycling of cellular material. They both undergo a maturation process and finally fuse with the lysosome. In mammals, the convergence between endosomes and autophagosomes is a multistep process that can generate intermediate vesicles named amphisomes. Using knockdowns and mutants of the ESCRT machinery (ESCRT-0-ESCRT-III, ATPase VPS-4) and the autophagic pathway (LGG-1, LGG-2, ATG-7, TOR), we analyzed in vivo the functional links between endosomal maturation and autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans. We report here that, despite a strong heterogeneity of their developmental phenotypes, all ESCRT mutants present an accumulation of abnormal endosomes and autophagosomes. We show that this accumulation of autophagosomes is secondary to the formation of enlarged endosomes and is due to the induction of the autophagic flux and not a blockage of fusion with lysosomes. We demonstrate that the induction of autophagy is not responsible for the lethality of ESCRT mutants but has a protective role on cellular degradation. We also show that increasing the basal level of autophagy reduces the formation of enlarged endosomes in ESCRT mutants. Together, our data indicate that the induction of autophagy is a protective response against the formation of an abnormal vesicular compartment.