We examined the association between parental death during childhood and lifetime and 12-month psychopathology, age of onset, incidence of mental health problems, use of mental health services during adulthood and functional limitations during adulthood. We conducted a longitudinal, population-based epidemiological study in adults aged 18-64 years (N=7076). Mental disorders were assessed with a standardized diagnostic interview (Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)). Few indications were found that there was a significant increase in mental disorders in adulthood among people who had lost a parent before the age of 16 (N=541). Parental death was not associated with mental disorders (12 months; lifetime), age of onset, incidence of mental disorders, functional limitations or use of mental health services. The majority of children overcome the loss of a parent during childhood without experiencing increased mental health problems, reduced functional limitations or a greater need for mental health services during adulthood.
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