Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the MR imaging findings of ovarian mucinous cystadenomas coexisting with benign Brenner tumors.
Materials and methods: MR images with a 1.5-T unit obtained in five consecutive patients (age range, 51-72 years; mean age, 61 years) with surgically confirmed ovarian mucinous cystadenomas coexisting with benign Brenner tumors were retrospectively reviewed for the presence, configuration, and signal intensity of cystic and solid components of the lesions.
Results: Tumors ranged in size from 7.5 to 22.1 cm (mean, 13.5 cm). In four patients (80%), the size of mucinous cystadenoma (range 6.4-22.1 cm; mean, 12.5 cm) was larger than that of Brenner tumor (range 0.2-9.1 cm; mean, 2.8 cm). All patients (100%) had cystic, and three (60%) had solid components. Four patients (80%) showed multilocular cystic, and one (20%) showed unilocular cystic appearance. MR imaging findings were classified into three patterns: (1) a bulky solid mass adjacent to the cystic component, (2) a mural nodule at the periphery of the cystic component, and (3) a cystic component without a detectable solid component. All four multilocular cystic areas exhibited "stained glass" appearances on both T1- and T2-weighted images, and all three solid areas showed homogeneous hypointensity on T2-weighted images.
Conclusion: Mucinous cystadenomas were often larger than the coexisting benign Brenner tumors. Mucinous cystadenomas coexisting with benign Brenner tumors should be considered when multilocular or unilocular cystic components are accompanied by homogeneously hypointense solid components on T2-weighted images.