For the period 2008-2010 in the University Hospital "Maichin Dom" EAD were born 10 774 babies. The newborns in the intensive care clinic (according to Apgar 1-5 min, the severity of RDS, the birth weight, gestational age, C-reactive protein and the values of blood tests) were screened for mother-fetal infections immediately after birth. The tests performed were blood culture, stomach aspirate, ear, anal and nose secretion, throat and tracheal aspiration (if intubation was performed). In case of meningitis liquor was tested. Standard therapy included Ampicillin/Sulbactam. The healthy, eutrophic children were also screened for bacterial mother-fetal infections--routinely ear and stomach aspiration. The babies, without clinical and paraclinical symptoms, but positive for GBS colonization, were also treated with Ampicilin. As a result from the screening and therapy no cases with meningitis were detected, as well as late neonatal sepsis caused by GBS.