Influence of light source and extended time of curing on microhardness and degree of conversion of different regions of a nanofilled composite resin

Eur J Dent. 2012 Apr;6(2):153-7.


Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different light sources and curing time on the degree of conversion and microhardness of two surfaces within a nanofilled composite resin.

Methods: Four experimental groups (n=10) were formed in accordance with the light source (quartz-tungsten halogen (QTH - 600mW/cm(2)), or light-emitting-diode (LED - 800mW/cm(2))) and the time of curing (20 s or 40 s). The specimens were prepared with a circular mould (5 mm ∅ and 2 mm thick), according to the respective protocol, and the Knoop microhardness and degree of conversion was measured at the top and the base of the specimens. The degree of conversion was evaluated by the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The results were analyzed by ANOVA two-way repeated measures and Tukey's test (α=,05).

Results: Both the degree of conversion and microhardness were higher at the top than at the bottom of the specimens. The QTH light source presented better values on the degree of conversion evaluation, but this result was not observed in the microhardness evaluation. Although forty seconds of curing promotes an increased level of microhardness, it did not influence the degree of conversion.

Conclusion: It could be concluded that increasing the time of curing to 40 s promotes an increase in microhardness, but it does not influence the degree of conversion of a nanofilled composite resin. QTH promote better monomeric conversion; however, the microhardness values are similar to LED curing. For all situations tested, the bottom of the specimens presented lower results than the top.

Keywords: Composite resin; degree of conversion; light cure unit; light source.