Developing sensors for in vivo chemical monitoring is a daunting challenge. An alternative approach is to couple sampling methods with online analytical techniques; however, such approaches are generally hampered by lower temporal resolution and slow analysis. In this work, microdialysis sampling was coupled with segmented flow electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) to perform in vivo chemical monitoring. The use of segmented flow to prevent Taylor dispersion of collected zones and rapid analysis with direct ESI-MS allowed 5 s temporal resolution to be achieved. The MS "sensor" was applied to monitor acetylcholine in the brain of live rats. The detection limit of 5 nM was sufficient to monitor basal acetylcholine as well as dynamic changes elicited by microinjection of neostigmine, an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, that evoked rapid increases in acetycholine and tetrodotoxin, a blocker of Na(+) channels, that lowered the acetylcholine concentration. The versatility of the sensor was demonstrated by simultaneously monitoring metabolites and infused drugs.