A versatile method to directly identify and analyze short- or long-range coupled or communicating residues in a protein conformational ensemble is of extreme relevance to achieve a complete understanding of protein dynamics and structural communication routes. Here, we present xPyder, an interface between one of the most employed molecular graphics systems, PyMOL, and the analysis of dynamical cross-correlation matrices (DCCM). The approach can also be extended, in principle, to matrices including other indexes of communication propensity or intensity between protein residues, as well as the persistence of intra- or intermolecular interactions, such as those underlying protein dynamics. The xPyder plugin for PyMOL 1.4 and 1.5 is offered as Open Source software via the GPL v2 license, and it can be found, along with the installation package, the user guide, and examples, at http://linux.btbs.unimib.it/xpyder/.