Objectives: To determine the association between lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) severity and physical activity (PA) across workplace, home, and leisure domains. To determine the mediating role of prostate enlargement on LUTS severity and PA.
Patients and methods: The study included 405 men without prostate cancer or prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. LUTS severity was ascertained using the American Urological Association Symptom Index and prostate size by ultrasonography. PA was assessed using validated questionnaires, with conversion to metabolic equivalent of task (MET)-h/week to estimate leisure-time PA energy expenditure. Analysis used multivariable linear regression, controlling for body mass index (BMI), age, race, and treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Results: Higher leisure-time PA energy expenditure and light housework activities were significantly associated with lower LUTS severity. Prostate volume was not significantly associated with PA in adjusted analyses, and controlling for prostate volume did not affect the association between LUTS severity and PA. Stratification by BMI showed a moderate interaction (P = 0.052), suggesting that PA was more strongly associated with LUTS severity among obese men.
Conclusions: In this cross-sectional analysis, leisure-time and home-time PA was inversely associated with LUTS severity. The association between PA and LUTS severity was stronger for irritative symptoms and among obese men, and was not mediated through changes in prostate size. Our results indicate the need for further detailed investigation of PA and LUTS.
© 2012 The Authors BJU International © 2012 BJU International.