The contribution of efavirenz and nevirapine remains clinically relevant and is the reason for the frequent prescription of these two agents. Recent clinical data on efavirenz and nevirapine in naive patients confirms their effectiveness compared to protease inhibitors such as lopinavir/r (ACTG 5142) or atazanavir/r (ACTG 5202) for efavirenz, or such as atazanavir/r (ARTEN trial) for nevirapine. Their easy use is another advantage; efavirenz is part of the first triple therapy as a single tablet given once a day, and nevirapine, with its new extended-release formulation, was designed for a single daily intake. However, the two agents exhibit different safety profiles and pharmacological properties. Their penetration rates in the genital tracts are different (70 to 80% for nevirapine versus 0 to 3% for efavirenz in men and 13-80% for nevirapine versus 0 to 4% for efavirenz in women). Finally, the authors of two recent studies reported the differences in the residual VL measured by ultrasensitive assays in successfully treated patients. The VL of patients treated with nevirapine was significantly more frequently below the detection limit of 1 or 2.5 RNA copies/mL than patients treated with efavirenz.
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