SERS spectra of whole human blood, blood plasma, and red blood cells on Au nanoparticle SiO(2) substrates excited at 785 nm have been observed. For the sample preparation procedure employed here, the SERS spectrum of whole blood arises from the blood plasma component only. This is in contrast to the normal Raman spectrum of whole blood excited at 785 nm and open to ambient air, which is exclusively due to the scattering of oxyhemoglobin. The SERS spectrum of whole blood shows a storage time dependence that is not evident in the non-SERS Raman spectrum of whole blood. Hypoxanthine, a product of purine degradation, dominates the SERS spectrum of blood after ~10-20 h of storage at 8 °C. The corresponding SERS spectrum of plasma isolated from the stored blood shows the same temporal release of hypoxanthine. Thus, blood cellular components (red blood cells, white blood cells, and/or platelets) are releasing hypoxanthine into the plasma over this time interval. The SERS spectrum of red blood cells (RBCs) excited at 785 nm is reported for the first time and exhibits well-known heme group marker bands as well as other bands that may be attributed to cell membrane components or protein denaturation contributions. SERS, as well as normal Raman spectra, of oxy- and met-RBCs are reported and compared. These SERS results can have significant impact in the area of clinical diagnostics, blood supply management, and forensics.