Among all the strategies available in order to improve success rates in IVF cycles, a lot of work has been done on embryo culture conditions and embryo quality evaluation. Most IVF centres use conventional incubators and select embryo according to punctual morphological evaluation, but this strategy has several limitations. Recently developed commercial devices associating more stable culture conditions and time lapse observation of embryo development provide new insights into early embryo development in IVF cycles. Among them, the Embryoscope(®) appears to be the most user-friendly, performing and suited for routine daily practice. The first Embryoscope(®) for France was installed in the University Hospital of Nantes in 2011. In our experience, it takes relatively a short time to get used to this system. Moreover, its integration in routine process yielded several advantages, such as better embryo selection according to kinetic parameters and observation of abnormal cleavage events, continuing education and training, quality control and flexibility. This leaded to an overall increase in success rates in IVF cycles.
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