Lupin is an emerging crop worldwide due to its wide range of health benefits. In this study, a comprehensive proteome analysis was conducted using mature seed of four narrow leafed lupin cultivars, Uniharvest, Yorrel, Tanjil and Coromup, through two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometric protein sequencing. Two-dimensional gels recognised about 400 protein spots among the cultivars in the 10-100kDa molecular weight and 5.0-8.5 PI ranges. The results revealed a considerable variation of protein expression patterns with a total of 24 proteins showed differential expression among the cultivars, among which 19 were identified as β-conglutin, and 8 were identified as allergenic proteins. Most of the α, δ and γ-conglutins were showing similar expression among the cultivars. Overall, the differentially expressed proteins especially the cultivar specific proteins would be valuable markers for cultivar identification and for screening parental lines of low allergenicity in breeding process.
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