Three attenuated rabies virus vaccines (SAD-B19, ERA/BHK-21, AZA 2) were compared for efficacy and safety in the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) by the oral and intranasal routes. The SAD-B19 and ERA/BHK-21 vaccines were given orally; all three vaccines were given intranasally. Oral administration of SAD-B19 and ERA/BHK-21 vaccines induced neither seroconversion nor significant protection against rabies challenge. One skunk which consumed a SAD-B19 vaccine-laden bait succumbed to vaccine-induced rabies. Intranasal instillation of the three vaccines resulted in the deaths of two of six (AZA 2), three of six (ERA/BHK-21) and six of six (SAD-B19) skunks.