Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an excellent three-dimensional (3D) imaging modality. Traditional dental education has focused on teaching conventional (2D) imaging. The aims of this survey-based study were therefore to evaluate the incorporation of CBCT teaching in both the predoctoral/undergraduate (D.D.S./D.M.D./B.D.S.) and postgraduate/residency specialty training curricula in dental schools in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. A nine-question survey form was electronically mailed to fifty-seven schools in the United States, sixteen schools in the United Kingdom, and seven schools in Australia. Fifty U.S. dental schools (89 percent), ten U.K. dental schools (62.5 percent), and one Australian dental school (14 percent) presently have CBCT equipment. The majority of responding schools do not include instruction in higher level use of this technology for undergraduate/predoctoral students, raising questions as to whether these students are adequately trained on qualification. Larger numbers of schools reported providing this training to residents in specialty programs. A similar trend was noticed in U.S., British, and Australian dental education. If general dentists are to be permitted to purchase and use CBCT equipment, inclusion of CBCT in dental education is an absolute requirement to prepare future dental practitioners to apply 3D imaging appropriately for diagnosis and treatment planning.