Background: Esophageal cancer (EC) patients presenting a local recurrence following trimodality therapy (chemoradiaton and surgery) have limited palliative treatment options when the three major modalities of therapy have been exhausted. In addition, some patients experience a local recurrence or develop a metachronous cancer in a previously irradiated site, without evidence of systemic disease. For these patients there is a potential for cure, although the risk of further distant recurrences remains high.
Case report: We report of a successful concomitant chemo/SBRT treatment in a case of locally advanced metachronous squamous cervical EC, which was diagnosed in a patient previously treated with trimodality therapy for a squamous tonsillar carcinoma.
Result: Chemo/SBRT seems to be a reasonable salvage option for patients without distant metastases who have exhausted standard therapies.
Conclusions: Our experience also suggests that a concomitant chemo/SBRT treatment appears to be either feasible or effective and chemo/SBRT can be considered also in selected patients affected by EC with squamous histology and with neoplastic infiltration of the trachea.