Background: The aim of this study was to describe gender differences in patients operated on for TOF and to define the impact of pregnancy in late post-surgical follow-up in women.
Methods: In this research, we studied 145 patients after correction of TOF: 66 male, 79 women, 41 of which reported history of 68 pregnancies, means age 37±10 years, age at operation 7±8 years, mean duration of post-surgical follow-up 30±7 years. Selected variables were compared according to sex and according to history of pregnancy with statistical tests.
Results: Men had more severe hemodynamic impairment and a higher number of cardiac reoperations than females. 41% of patients had at least one complication during pregnancy; there were 16 (67%) abortions and 39 (74%) Caesarian delivers; the recurrence of congenital heart defect was 10%. After pregnancy, there was a shift from first to second functional class: unique pregnancy determined no differences in term of morpho-functional ventricular features compared to nulliparous, but they complained fatigue and palpitation and echocardiographyc dysfunction. Left ventricular dysfunction and QRS duration at ECG were independent predictors of ventricular arrhythmias in all patients.
Conclusions: There were no gender-specific differences in patients operated on for TOF using ventriculotomy. Pregnancy is an event in these patients at risk for the newborn, in terms of miscarriage, prematurity, and recurrence of birth defects, and for the mother in terms of ventricular dysfunction and electrical instability. At least a single pregnancy does not appear to significantly modify the natural history of post-surgical patients operated on for TOF.