Highly accurate, in-line, and real-time composition measurements of gases are mandatory in many processing applications. The quantitative analysis of mixtures of hydrogen isotopologues (H2, D2, T2, HD, HT, and DT) is of high importance in such fields as DT fusion, neutrino mass measurements using tritium β-decay or photonuclear experiments where HD targets are used. Raman spectroscopy is a favorable method for these tasks. In this publication we present a method for the in-line calibration of Raman systems for the nonradioactive hydrogen isotopologues. It is based on precise volumetric gas mixing of the homonuclear species H2/D2 and a controlled catalytic production of the heteronuclear species HD. Systematic effects like spurious exchange reactions with wall materials and others are considered with care during the procedure. A detailed discussion of statistical and systematic uncertainties is presented which finally yields a calibration accuracy of better than 0.4%.