Objective: Previous studies have found associations between childhood behavior problems and adolescent sexual risk behavior. Using a quasi-experimental approach, we examined the extent to which this association may be due to between-family differences (i.e., unmeasured familial confounds) not adequately explored in prior research.
Methods: We used data from a longitudinal, population-based cohort of young twins in Sweden (first assessment: age 9 or 12 years; second assessment: age 15; n = 2,388). We explored the nature of the association between symptom scores for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder (CD) at age 9 or 12 and the likelihood of having had sexual intercourse and number of sexual partners by age 15. Two-level mixed-effects models were used to estimate the effect of symptom score on each outcome after controlling for potential unmeasured familial confounds.
Results: Higher ADHD, ODD, and CD scores were associated with significantly increased likelihood of sexual intercourse by age 15. Higher ADHD and ODD scores were also associated with increased number of sexual partners. After controlling for unmeasured familial confounds, however, behavior problems were no longer significantly associated with either outcome.
Conclusion: The association between childhood behavior problems and sexual risk behaviors may be due to characteristics shared within families. Hence, prevention strategies aimed at reducing these behaviors might need to address broader risk factors that contribute to both behavior problems and a greater likelihood of sexual risk behavior.
Copyright © 2013 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.