This case history describes a man with inferior myocardial infarction (MI) with right-ventricular involvement, treated with a right coronary artery stent. Magnetic resonance showed akinesia of left-ventricular inferior and inferolateral walls and right-ventricular inferior free wall with an impairment of global systolic function. There was late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) of left-ventricular inferior and inferolateral walls with microvascular obstruction (MVO). LGE of the right-ventricular inferior wall was seen with a hypointense core within hyperenhanced myocardium, consistent with MVO of the infarcted right-ventricular myocardium. At follow-up there was persistent akinesia of left-ventricular inferior and inferolateral walls and right-ventricular systolic dysfunction. LGE was still evident with resolution of MVO.