The authors report a rare case of medial orbital wall erosion with an orbital inflammatory mass and resultant lacrimal obstruction secondary to rhinotillexomania. A 67-year-old male with known history of compulsive nose picking (rhinotillexomania) sought treatment for complaints of watering in his OD. Examination revealed a blocked right inferior canaliculus. Nasal endoscopy showed a large nasal septal defect with multiple areas of crusting and bleeding. Hematologic investigations were normal. CT scan confirmed a large nasal septal and right medial orbital wall defect with an adjacent soft tissue mass in the medial orbit. Investigations ruled out systemic pathology. Histologic examination of medial orbital mass, sinus, and nasal mucosa revealed a reactive inflammatory infiltrate with surface Gram-positive cocci. The authors hypothesized that the patient had enlarged an existing nasal septal defect due to repetitive nose picking resulting in recurrent infection and inflammation of sinuses, leading to erosion of his medial orbital wall.