Aim: The impact of anorectal malformation (ARM) on bowel function and social, educational and occupational end-points was investigated in adult patients entered on a national database.
Method: Data from a national database of adult patients operated on between 1962 and 1999 for ARM were analysed. The database Malformations Ano-rectales et Pelviennes rares (MAREP) was part of a common information system, CEMARA, on rare congenital disorders. A self-administered questionnaire regarding bowel function, academic qualifications, employment and family status was mailed to patients. The type of ARM, subsequent follow-up and management including surgical interventions were retrospectively retrieved from medical records.
Results: Of 210 adult patients on the registry since 2008, 68 were included in this study. Only three (8.5%) had had regular follow-up. All reported some disturbance in bowel function. The fertility rate of 1.5 children per woman did not differ from the general population.
Conclusion: Anorectal malformation ARM often leads to suboptimal bowel function in adulthood. This has an impact on social integration.
Colorectal Disease © 2013 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.