Melatonin has been found in the digestive tract of many vertebrates. However, the enzymatic activity of the arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) and the hydroxindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT), the last two enzymes of melatonin biosynthesis, have been only measured in rat liver. Therefore, the first objective of the present study is to investigate the functionality of these enzymes in the liver and gut of goldfish, analyzing its possible daily changes and comparing its catalytic properties with those from the retina isoforms. The daily rhythms with nocturnal acrophases in retinal AANAT and HIOMT activities support their role in melatonin biosynthesis. In foregut AANAT activity also show a daily rhythm while in liver and hindgut significant but not rhythmic levels of AANAT activity are found. HIOMT activity is not detected in any of these peripheral tissues suggesting an alternative role for AANAT besides melatonin synthesis. The failure to detect functional HIOMT activity in both, liver and gut, led us to investigate other physiological substrates for the AANAT, as dopamine, searching alternative roles for this enzyme in the goldfish gut. Dopamine competes with tryptamine and inhibits retinal, intestinal and hepatic N-acetyltryptamine production, suggesting that the active isoform in gut is AANAT1. Besides, gut and liver produces N-acetyldopamine in presence of acetyl coenzyme-A and dopamine. This production is not abolished by the presence of folic acid (arylamine N-acetyltransferase inhibitor) in any studied tissue, but a total inhibition occurs in the presence of CoA-S-N-acetyltryptamine (AANAT inhibitor) in liver. Therefore, AANAT1 seems to be an important enzyme in the regulation of dopamine and N-acetyldopamine content in liver. Finally, for the first time in fish we found that dopamine, but not N-acetyldopamine, regulates the gut motility, underlying the broad physiological role of AANAT in the gut.
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