Low birth weight (LBW) is thought to be one of the risk factors for the progression of kidney diseases. This study hypothesized that the onset age of kidney disease, the rate of progression of kidney disease, or the age at the time of hemodialysis (HD) induction among HD patients that were born with LBW is different from those without a history of LBW. A questionnaire survey in nine dialysis units in Japan was performed and 427 answer sheets were collected. There were statistically significant differences in the present age, the age of kidney disease onset, and the age of HD induction between LBW group and normal birth weight group (NBW). An analysis limited to participants whose underlying disease was diabetic nephropathy revealed that the duration from the onset of nephropathy to HD induction was much shorter in HD patients with a history of LBW than those with a NBW history. In addition, the Pearson's correlation coefficient between the birth weight and the period from onset of diabetic nephropathy to HD induction was 0.283. Although these results might partly support the primary hypothesis, the necessity to perform other clinical studies is also emphasized.
© 2013 The Authors. Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis © 2013 International Society for Apheresis.