Ultrasonic measurements were used to characterize the effect of high pressure treatment (HPT) (600 MPa/6 min) or cold storage (6°C/120 days) on the textural properties of vacuum packaged dry-cured ham. The ultrasonic velocity, textural properties and fat content were determined in the ham packages. The ultrasonic velocity was related to the ham hardness, which depends on the sample composition. HPT induced molecular alterations which resulted in an average increase in the hardness of lean tissue of 0.2N and one of 0.3N in that of fatty tissue. These textural changes give rise to a velocity increase (8m/s for lean and 17 m/s for fatty tissue). The cold storage of the Iberian ham also led to an increase in hardness (average 1.10 N) and ultrasonic velocity (average 70 m/s). Therefore, the non-destructive ultrasonic technique could be a reliable method with which to assess the textural changes induced by HPT or cold storage on packaged dry-cured ham.
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