Introduction: Brain growth plays likely an important role for the skull growth. In the fetus, there exists an heterochrony for the growth of supratentorial (forebrain) and infratentorial regions (brainstem and cerebellum). The aim of the study was thus to model geometrically the growth of these two regions and to compare it with the inflection of the base of skull.
Material and methods: Brain growth measurements were performed from midsagittal photographs of fetal brains obtained from an Anatomical Atlas over a period from 10 to 40 amenorrhea weeks (AW). After countouring and pointing anatomical and geometrical landmarks, we have developed a linear growth model based on principal component analysis (PCA). Besides, the variation of the sphenoidal and clivo-foraminal angles was studied from anatomical midsagittal slices of fetal heads sampled over a period from 16 to 39 AW.
Results: The PCA model brings to light the radial expansion of the forebrain growth (first component) associated with an inferior and posterior rotation of the occipital lobe. The growth of the infratentoriel region presents an inferior and posterior expansion associated with a second component corresponding to inferior and anterior expansions. From the 17 AW, appears an heterochrony between the supra- and infratentorial growths and an inversion of the ratio between the infra- and supratentorial dimensions after 30 AW. The sphenoidal and clivo-foraminal angles decrease slightly until 25 AW, and then increase quickly until the 39 AW.
Conclusions: The growth of brain is accompanied by morphological change between the compartments supra- and infratentoriel but also on the level of the base of skull. The possible interactions will be discussed.
Keywords: Base du crâne; Brain; Croissance prénatale; Encéphale; Modeling; Modélisation; Prenatal growth; Skull base.
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